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Those two lines are the text provided by Substack to those who doesn’t know where to start. To whose like me. Though I’m a professional journalist, for the first time I can’t decide what to tell you, what to promise, how to charm you by my uniqueness. So I start how it feels like.

My name is Olga Zakharova-Kaetano and I’ve started this feed because I need to find a support - emotional and financial - to continue my life, my work. For me it’s a fair deal: I provide my experience, my skills, my connections and write and explore subjects that usually stay outside major fashion and big media. And I share inspiration sources (works, names), that can be used by professionals in fashion, photography, art, design, businesses that are built around those area, including antique galleries. But also it’s about simple pleasure to think and to observe something interesting, exceptional, questionable and exquisite.

In return I ask you to subscribe. You can choose monthly paid subscription that will help me to live and support my family. You can choose free subscription just to stay with me and follow my journey. The difference in the content is simple: first have access to everything, second - only to visuals that also can be found on my Instagram (https://instragram.com/zakharova_kaetano). Well, not all of them; those feeds won’t be synchronised. Here I will share more, because I won’t be restricted by algorithms and content policy.

What is my experience: 18 years of journalism, former fashion director of glossy media. 20 years in advertising and PR, last 18 years as a creative director, founder of my own PR agency that is now oriented only on consulting services and content management in media and social media.

Russian censorship and governmental hunt on the free media and journalists, people, protesting against authorities, made me look for a platform where I can share my thoughts, my criticism on any subject without restriction. And as far as I can’t work in my country without risking my freedom, life, or my good conscience, I start my own tiny media here.

I start it as my diary, to fix my thoughts about news, about problems in fashion industry, in the contemporary culture, society, about things I see, creativity that makes me wonder, that amuse and provoke. I will share articles I find interesting, data, that I use for my articles, all the links and credits for works I share or analyse. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that is my priority to promote creativity and beauty.

So I ask you to support me. You can donate any sum or you can subscribe, I’d appreciate it in any case. And I hope you will share your thought with me and inspire me on new subjects for my investigations or researches.

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Subscribe to F! Simulacrum: World, fashion, art, culture, market

A journalist's diary: thoughts, articles, criticism, visuals that inspire, provoke, and set the day mood. From my world to yours - a bridge.